Europe and Middle East Leaders Meeting

Sunday, July 1st, 2018


8:00-8:30    Arrival, breakfast, mix and mingle
8:30-9:10    BRIEF introductions (name, class, club) and Speed Sharing
9:10-9:30    Review and discussion, high-level community stats and reports, summary of events from FY17/FY18, Admission Update/OVAL interview program update
9:30-10:00    Discussion breakout: Six tables covering the following topics:
– Volunteer recruiting
– Succession management and governance
– Diversity, with focus on age, gender, and race
– Pan-European and Middle East Collaboration
OVAL interview program management
10:00-10:10    Short stretch break
10:10-10:40    Report out and questions on discussion breakout
10:40-11:15    Ideation session – Celebrations, Challenges, Opportunities
11:15-11:30    Other items /

What kind of themes are presently (last two years) proposed by the different European Chapters for their meetings/conferences/events…

What recipes for the animation of our alumni networks ? The best / not so good ?

How do we finance our activities ? Members’ subscriptions ? Events ?

Profitable events or not ? If yes, necessary conditions ?

Existing European Chapter’s Websites ? Templates and architecture ?

Updating the contact details of our alumni is the prerequisite for maintaining  their participation in our activities. How can the European Chapters best update their data base, and help to update the University directories ?

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